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Why do you want to learn everything? - Rambling

Want to learn front-end#

Previously, I recorded some suggestions from experts on the front-end path: sharing them here, if there are other suggestions, we can discuss them in the comments section together.

Current best practices:
Framework: ts + react + nextjs (strongly recommended, do not use others)
Form: react-hook-form + yup
Style: tailwindcss + headlessui + css variable
Floating positioning: floating-ui
Asynchronous state management: axios + react-query + zustand + immer
Simulation: mswjs (optional)
Deployment: AWS Amplify (automated, almost free)

Talking to friends from other major companies, I found that their front-end development is done together with the back-end, which is also confirmed by their job descriptions. So in the future, the situation will definitely tend towards full-stack development. I want to be prepared in advance. Also, considering the possibility of unemployment in the future, I can still explore and learn on my own, so I really want to delve into it: adding it to my to-do list.

Want to learn Rust#

Personally, I believe that Rust will definitely occupy a part of the C++ market, but it is not possible to completely replace it.

Want to learn how to read a book well#

I actually have a bad habit of not liking to read long texts, I have a resistance to it, but it has improved a lot in recent years because some classic technical books still need to be read. Growing up, I remember only reading three novels. One was "Doupo Cangqiong" in junior high school (I accidentally discovered it, found it good, and finished reading it in one go). Another one was "To Live" by Yu Hua, which I read in college. The last one was a financial enlightenment book, "Rich Dad Poor Dad".

Secondly, I think I have read too few books in other areas, which is not conducive to personal growth. The knowledge conveyed by books is always the most profound.

Want to learn how to write a good blog#

I wrote a blog for a while in college. At that time, I bought my own server to play with. The blog didn't attract much traffic, and hardly anyone read it. The positive feedback was quite low, and then the server expired, so I didn't continue. But now, I realize that I still need to do long-term output so that I can leave some traces in the future.

My blog is a bit like a draft paper, I write whatever comes to mind, and it is not well formatted, with poor readability. Compared to some blogs written by experts, mine is really not up to par! For future technical blogs, I will try to organize the format better, after all, I also need to have a satisfying experience. But for some random thoughts, I will let my imagination run wild ^^

To be continued#

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